lis 09 2004


Komentarze: 2

czas wyjsc z domu


"Promises, promises
I'm feeling burned
You taught me a lesson
I didn't want to learn

Why did I come here?
Please tell me again
Why did you ask me?
Don't say you forget

I long for, I long for
I long for my home
I long for a land where
No man was ever known

With no neurosis
No psychosis
No psychoanalysis
And no sadness

I'll pick up the pieces
I'll carry on somehow
Tape the broken parts together
And limp this love around

Limp this love around"

short_nails : :
09 listopada 2004, 11:52
po dragach krzyzowka krolika z kameleonem ma oczy metne a moze to z tesknoty. wyjasnienia nie bedzie
09 listopada 2004, 11:23
slow drug - to lubię najbardziej

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